Innovative coaching and training services for businesses.

Headshot of Devan Bailey gesturing with hands

The business coaching sector heavily emphasizes personal and professional growth, and critically overlooks relational development.

Working with teams presents a unique opportunity to extend our influence, affecting a larger audience in less time and fostering positive transformation across your organization through group dynamics.

We are redefining the corporate landscape one team at a time as we educate groups on working relationally.

Next-level inspiration for businesses

Our keynotes and workshops give your whole team the inspiration they need to take their performance to the next level.


Leave everyone feeling energized and ready to create change.

Standard Keynotes Include:

  • A pre-engagement call

  • 90-120 minute live session

  • An unlimited number of seats

  • An optional Q&A


Come together to dig deep and learn new skills as a team.

Standard Workshops Include:

  • A pre-engagement call

  • Full or half-day live session

  • Up to 100 seats

  • Complimentary tech support

Our Keynote and Workshop topics include:

The Power of Mindset

Resilience and State Management

Leading with Positivity and Power

Uplevel the quality of your life

Interested in one-to-one coaching? Our programs combine the best of mindset coaching and relational therapy to uplevel the quality of your life and relationships like never before.